Q: Who do I speak to when I want to discuss data security matters with eBoss? I understand that the details of the Data Protection Officer should be made public – why can I not find information about the eBoss DPO?
A: eBoss acts as the data controller to a very limited set of personal data – none of which is sensitive. Following specific legal guidance, we have assessed that it would not be necessary to hire a DPO for the oversight of these processes.
However, our team is fully updated with GDPR issues, and we do have dedicated Data Protection Representatives in our support team.
You can contact our support staff through the usual channels.
Alternatively, you can may ask questions relating to GDPR directly to our data protection representatives.
Article 35, GDPR
Article 37, GDPR
Article 38, GDPR
Additional Information:
Learn more about the duties and role of the Data Protection Officer in this response to one of our customer’s Frequently Asked Questions.